Geostrategic magazine (it-en, october 4, 2023)



We are in cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine

Daily from global think tanks

Systemic Sustainability (Climate Impact and Action/Sustainable Development/SDGs – Sustainable Cities – G20 – Non Proliferation Treaty)

Climate Impact and Action – Sustainable Development – SDGs

Uno studio di  Stockholm Environment Institute (Karki, L., Lieu, J., Xylia, M., Laub, M., Ismangil, D., Virla, L., Rahn, E., Bilbao, B. A., Indriani, S. N., Gallego, P. M., Suleiman, A.K.A., Schaldch, R., Takama, T., Marques da Silva, J. R., & Johnson, F. X. (2023). Potentials and barriers to land-based mitigation technologies and practices (LMTs)—a review. Environmental Research Letters, 18) analizza come le tecnologie e le pratiche di mitigazione basate sul territorio siano decisive per raggiungere gli obiettivi dell’Accordo di Parigi

A study by Stockholm Environment Institute (Karki, L., Lieu, J., Xylia, M., Laub, M., Ismangil, D., Virla, L., Rahn, E., Bilbao, B. A., Indriani, S. N., Gallego, P. M., Suleiman, A. K. A., Schaldch, R., Takama, T., Marques da Silva, J. R., & Johnson, F. X. (2023). Potentials and barriers to land-based mitigation technologies and practices (LMTs)-a review. Environmental Research Letters, 18) analyses how land-based mitigation technologies and practices are crucial to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Potentials and barriers to land-based mitigation technologies and practices (LMTs)—a review | SEI

Un report di Stockholm Environment Institute (Xylia, M., Bin Ashraf, F., & Barquet, K. (2023). Hydropower Development in the Energy Transition: Perspectives from Northern Sweden) propone raccomandazioni politiche per un ‘giusto’ bilanciamento tra compromessi e sfide sull’energia idroelettrica per la Svezia. Gli autori analizzano tre aspetti principali: il cambiamento del ruolo dell’energia idroelettrica nella transizione energetica; le sfide legate all’impatto dell’energia idroelettrica sull’ambiente d’acqua dolce; il modo in cui i recenti cambiamenti nei quadri di governance possono portare a nuovi compromessi tra energia e biodiversità

A report by Stockholm Environment Institute (Xylia, M., Bin Ashraf, F., & Barquet, K. (2023). Hydropower Development in the Energy Transition: Perspectives from Northern Sweden) proposes policy recommendations for the ‘right’ balance of hydropower trade-offs and challenges for Sweden. The authors analyse three main aspects: the changing role of hydropower in the energy transition; the challenges related to the impact of hydropower on the freshwater environment; how recent changes in governance frameworks may lead to new trade-offs between energy and biodiversity

Hydropower development in the energy transition: perspectives from northern Sweden | SEI

Una ricerca del think tank Stockholm Environment Institute, in collaborazione con l’Università di La Guajira, è finalizzata a identificare i principali fattori che influenzano o inibiscono l’accettazione sociale dei progetti di energia eolica a La Guajira, a rafforzare le piattaforme di dialogo sociale, la condivisione delle informazioni e la consapevolezza, e a formulare raccomandazioni concrete rivolte ai decisori, alle comunità locali e al settore privato, al fine di ottenere risultati socialmente vantaggiosi, con particolare attenzione per le popolazioni indigene

Research by the think tank Stockholm Environment Institute, in collaboration with the University of La Guajira, aims to identify the main factors influencing or inhibiting the social acceptance of wind energy projects in La Guajira, to strengthen social dialogue platforms, information sharing and awareness, and to formulate concrete recommendations for decision-makers, local communities and the private sector to achieve socially beneficial results, with a focus on indigenous peoples

Embracing wind energy: social acceptance in La Guajira | SEI

Åsa Persson (Stockholm Environment Institute) scrive sulla necessità di politiche proattive per raggiungere gli SDGs

Åsa Persson (Stockholm Environment Institute) writes about the need for proactive policies to achieve the SDGs

Using the GSDR to guide a credible and effective second half of the 2030 Agenda | SEI

Un report di Institute for European Environmental Policy, scrive Krystyna Springer, evidenzia gli sforzi, in Europa, per passare a pratiche agricole sostenibili. Springer sottolinea anche le aree di miglioramento

A report by the Institute for European Environmental Policy, writes Krystyna Springer, highlights efforts in Europe to switch to sustainable agricultural practices. Springer also highlights areas for improvement

Innovative carbon farming initiatives: recent and ongoing projects across the EU – IEEP AISBL

D. Baldock e H. Bradley, in un report per Ecologic Institute, scrivono della sfida per la sostenibilità in Europa attraverso le politiche agricole e l’uso del suolo rurale

D. Baldock and H. Bradley, in a report for Ecologic Institute, write about the challenge for sustainability in Europe through agricultural policies and rural land use

Transforming EU Land Use and the CAP: A post-2024 vision | Ecologic Institute

Raffaele Piria e Leon Martini, in un report per Ecologic Institute, approfondiscono le Energy, Climate, Development, and Raw Materials Partnerships della Germania e come esse possano essere trasformative per una transizione resiliente verso la neutralità climatica

Raffaele Piria and Leon Martini, in a report for Ecologic Institute, delve into Germany’s Energy, Climate, Development, and Raw Materials Partnerships and how they can be transformative for a resilient transition to climate neutrality

Developing Germany’s Partnerships for Transformation | Ecologic Institute

Sustainable Cities

Jana Busch e Steve Cinderby (Stockholm Environment Institute) scrivono come l’ambiente urbano circostante influenzi la nostra salute e il nostro benessere. In uno studio, prendendo i casi di Nakuru in Kenya e di Udon Thani in Thailandia, gli Autori analizzano le risposte psicofisiologiche alle passeggiate in ambiente urbano

Jana Busch and Steve Cinderby (Stockholm Environment Institute) write about how the surrounding urban environment affects our health and well-being. In a study, taking the cases of Nakuru in Kenya and Udon Thani in Thailand, the authors analyse the psychophysiological responses to walking in an urban environment

Discovering the impacts of urban walking on people’s well-being (

Un paper di Paolo Santi, per Nature Computational Science e Senseable City Lab del MIT, affronta il tema della complessità della progettazione degli spazi urbani attraverso l’intelligenza artificiale. L’approccio proposto tiene insieme le linee guida politiche, gli obiettivi della società e i vincoli esistenti

A paper by Paolo Santi, for Nature Computational Science and MIT’s Senseable City Lab, addresses the complexity of designing urban spaces through artificial intelligence. The proposed approach holds together policy guidelines, societal goals and existing constraints

AI improves the design of urban communities (

Uno studio di Senseable City Lab del MIT, a cura di Simone Mora, Priyanka de Souza, Fábio Duarte, An Wang, Sanjana Paul, Antonio Berrones e Carlo Ratti, analizza i problemi di qualità dell’aria nelle città centrate sul carbone utilizzando una combinazione di dati qualitativi e quantitativi, sensori a basso costo installati sui veicoli dei cittadini e attività di coinvolgimento della comunità

A study by MIT’s Senseable City Lab, by Simone Mora, Priyanka de Souza, Fábio Duarte, An Wang, Sanjana Paul, Antonio Berrones and Carlo Ratti, analyses air quality problems in coal-centred cities using a combination of qualitative and quantitative data, low-cost sensors installed in citizens’ vehicles and community engagement activities

Air Quality Monitoring in Coal-Centric Cities: A Hybrid Approach (


Gopal Nadadur (Atlantic Council) scrive a proposito dei risultati positivi del G20 a Presidenza indiana. L’Autore, in particolare, si concentra sulla sezione ‘Unlocking Trade for Growth’ della dichiarazione finale

Gopal Nadadur (Atlantic Council) writes about the positive results of the Indian G20 Presidency. The author, in particular, focuses on the ‘Unlocking Trade for Growth’ section of the final declaration

A lasting legacy of India’s G20: Trade opportunities for small businesses – Atlantic Council

Non Proliferation Treaty

Marion Messmer (Chatham House) scrive che, con il blocco del TNP, è sempre più difficile isolare il trattato da altre questioni politiche. Il regime di non proliferazione nucleare è a rischio

Marion Messmer (Chatham House) writes that with the NPT stalled, it is increasingly difficult to isolate the treaty from other political issues. The nuclear non-proliferation regime is at risk

Why a stalling NPT is a wake-up call for global security | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank

Worlds (Australia/Indonesia – Israel/Saudi Arabia/USA – Kazakhstan/China/Russia – India/Australia/China – Nagorno Karabakh/Transnistria – Panama Canal – Russia – Russia/Europe – USA/China –  USA/War in Ukraine)

Australia – Indonesia

Marina Yue Zhang (East Asia Forum) scrive dei cambiamenti repentini nella geopolitica dei minerali critici. Questo sviluppo sottolinea l’importanza di un’alleanza strategica tra Australia e Indonesia nella costruzione di una catena di approvvigionamento alternativa per i minerali delle batterie

Marina Yue Zhang (East Asia Forum) writes about the sudden changes in the geopolitics of critical minerals. This development underlines the importance of a strategic alliance between Australia and Indonesia in building an alternative supply chain for battery minerals

Australia and Indonesia should better their battery cooperation | East Asia Forum

Israel – Saudi Arabia – USA

Sanam Vakil (Chatham House) scrive della complessità geopolitica, negli USA e in Medio Oriente, del lavoro diplomatico di Washington per la relazione tra Israele e Arabia Saudita

Sanam Vakil (Chatham House) writes about the geopolitical complexity, in the US and the Middle East, of Washington’s diplomatic work on the relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia

President Biden should not rush a deal on Israel–Saudi normalization | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank

Kazakhstan – China – Russia

Berikbol Dukeyev (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive della complessità dei rapporti geostrategici del Kazakhstan, tra Mosca e Pechino

Berikbol Dukeyev (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about the complexity of Kazakhstan’s geostrategic relations between Moscow and Beijing

Kazakhstan Cautiously Builds Ties With China – Jamestown

India – Australia – China

Rajesh Rajagopalan (East Asia Forum) scrive a proposito dei rapporti tra India e  Australia nel quadro della scelta di multi-allineamento di Nuova Delhi, anche con Pechino

Rajesh Rajagopalan (East Asia Forum) writes about India-Australia relations in the context of New Delhi’s choice of multi-alignment, including with Beijing

The ceiling on India–Australia relations | East Asia Forum

Nagorno Karabakh – Transnistria

Paul Globe (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive che, come accaduto con  l’Azerbaigian per il Nagorno Karabakh, secondo alcuni commentatori russi, Georgia e Moldavia – entrambe con repubbliche secessioniste –  potrebbero ispirarsi agli eventi in Azerbaigian e che Mosca deve agire per contrastare le loro mosse

Paul Globe (The Jamestown Foundation) writes that, as happened with Azerbaijan over Nagorno Karabakh, according to some Russian commentators, Georgia and Moldova – both with secessionist republics – could be inspired by events in Azerbaijan and that Moscow must act to counter their moves

Baku’s Karabakh Victory Prompts Moldova to Mull Using Force in Transnistria – Jamestown

Panama Canal 

David A. Gantz (Baker Institute) scrive sull’impatto della siccità sul Canale di Panama, snodo strategico per il commercio degli Stati Uniti e a livello globale

David A. Gantz (Baker Institute) writes about the impact of the drought on the Panama Canal, a strategic hub for US and global trade

Supply Chain Alternatives for Ocean Shipping if Climate Change-driven Water Shortages Persist at the Panama Canal | Baker Institute


Thomas Graham (Council on Foreign Relations) scrive che, in Russia, l’autoconservazione fornisce un potente incentivo a rimanere fedeli a Putin

Thomas Graham (Council on Foreign Relations) writes that, in Russia, self-preservation provides a powerful incentive to remain loyal to Putin

How Firm Is Vladimir Putin’s Grip on Power? | Council on Foreign Relations (

Elizabeth Buchanan (Royal United Service Institute) scrive che, nel nuovo Foreign Policy Concept di Mosca, il concetto di ‘World Ocean’ è decisivo. L’Autrice nota che è interessante il primato del dominio marittimo per la realizzazione di un ordine mondiale multipolare. Per Mosca, il ‘World Ocean’ è fondamentale nel collegare i nuovi ‘poli’ o centri di sviluppo e potere globale

Elizabeth Buchanan (Royal United Service Institute) writes that in Moscow’s new Foreign Policy Concept, the concept of the ‘World Ocean’ is decisive. The author notes that the primacy of the maritime domain for the realisation of a multipolar world order is interesting. For Moscow, the ‘World Ocean’ is crucial in connecting the new ‘poles’ or centres of global development and power

It’s Russia’s (Maritime) World – We’re Just Living in It | Royal United Services Institute (

Russia – Europe

Vadim Shtepa (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive che tutti gli Stati membri dell’Unione Europea confinanti con la Russia hanno introdotto un divieto di ingresso per le auto con targa russa. L’Autore sottolinea l’inefficacia di tale sanzione che non porterà a proteste pubbliche diffuse contro Putin ma alimenterà la narrativa russa

Vadim Shtepa (The Jamestown Foundation) writes that all EU member states bordering Russia have introduced an entry ban on cars with Russian number plates. The author emphasises the ineffectiveness of this sanction, which will not lead to widespread public protests against Putin but will feed the Russian narrative

License Plate Ban in EU May Alienate Russian Population – Jamestown

USA – China

Cameron F. Kerry, Mary E. Lovely, Pavneet Singh, Liza Tobin, Ryan Hass, Patricia M. Kim ed Emilie Kimball (Brookings) discutono su come gli USA debbano gestire le relazioni economiche con la Cina

Cameron F. Kerry, Mary E. Lovely, Pavneet Singh, Liza Tobin, Ryan Hass, Patricia M. Kim and Emilie Kimball (Brookings) discuss how the US should handle economic relations with China

Is US security dependent on limiting China’s economic growth? | Brookings

USA – War in Ukraine

Andrew A. Michta (Atlantic Council) scrive sulle lezioni che gli USA possono trarre dalla guerra in Ucraina. Michta sottolinea come questa guerra abbia messo al centro dell’attenzione la centralità della massa nella moderna guerra convenzionale con un avversario quasi alla pari

Andrew A. Michta (Atlantic Council) writes about the lessons the US can learn from the war in Ukraine. Michta points out how this war has brought into focus the centrality of mass in modern conventional warfare with an almost equal adversary

Mass still matters: What the US military should learn from Ukraine  – Atlantic Council

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