Tag: Future of Work

A Better Deal for the World’s Workers (Dani Rodrik, Project-Syndicate)

Ultimately, boosting labor earnings and the dignity of work requires both strengthening workers’ bargaining power and increasing the supply of good jobs for those...

Digital Culture/Future of Work – 9 ways to foster a people-centric digital culture (Christie Smith, Nora Heger, WEF)

Digital culture is characterized by the way an organization uses digital tools and insights to create positive impact across a business. Strong digital...

Future of Work – Towards healthier, more efficient buildings post-pandemic (Sarah Golden, WEF)

The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in changes making working environments safer and more efficient. Demand for healthy building services surged during the pandemic,...

Future of Work – 4 things we need to consider to make hybrid working a success (Lynda Gratton, London Business School Review, WEF)

Before COVID-19, working 9 to 5 in the office was the norm, with limited flexibility allowed. Now managers have recognised that many employees...

TechInnovation – Unlocking Workers’ Potential through Modern Labour Platforms (Wingham Rowan, CIGI)

Online platforms have enabled people to access new forms of work, opening the door to temporary or non-traditional work schedules. Ridesharing and food delivery...

TechInnovation – Zucchetti: il punto sulle innovazioni per il future of work (e.b., Impresa City)

Si è tenuto il 10 giugno l’evento live organizzato da Zucchetti “HR! Human Revolution, innovazioni per un HR che cambia”. Concepito come approfondimento sulle sfide del...

Future of Work – This chart shows just how little people want to return to the workplace (Felix Richter, WEF)

It’s interesting to see that such sentiments exist even at a company like Apple, which has only just moved into its new headquarters. Image: Unsplash/Minh...

Future of Work – Home-office, HQ, hybrid or work-from-anywhere? This is what businesses are planning (WEF)

Gayle Markovitz As vaccination programmes are rolled out, businesses are starting to redefine the future for their office workers. Experiences of remote work diverge...

(Innovation/Technology/Future of Work) Workers need a new social contract and technology has a key role to play (WEF)

Sharan Burrow Social inequalities have worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic as millions have lost their livelihoods https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/04/workers-need-new-social-contract-and-technology-key-role-to-play/

(Future of Work) What more than 32,000 people think about the future of work (WEF)

Victoria Masterson Almost 40% of workers think their job will be obsolete within five years, according to PwC’s Hopes and fears 2021 report https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/04/work-survey-pwc-automation-jobs/

(Future of Work) The future of face-to-face: how COVID-19 will reshape learning and work (WEF)

So-Young Kang The COVID-19 pandemic has busted the myth that work-from-home and online training is impractical or ineffective https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/04/future-remote-working-digital-learning-covid-19/

(Future of Work) This is how to future-proof your company, according to McKinsey (WEF)

Natalie Marchant Even before COVID-19, many executives were worried their companies were organized for a world that is disappearing https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/03/future-ready-companies-mckinsey-covid-19/

(Future of Work) WFH: How do deal with a year of accumulated burnout (WEF)

Nilufar Ahmed Our new way of working has been known to cause burnout and Zoom fatigue https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/03/covid19-burnout-video-exhaustion/

(Future of Work) How does working from home impact productivity? (WEF)

Masayuki Morikawa Working from home has become more widespread in advanced economies due to COVID-19 https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/03/study-how-does-working-from-home-help-productivity/

FUTURE OF WORK – 4 ways to reskill the global workforce – and this is where it’s already happening (Jeff Maggioncalda, Shireen Yacoub,...

The Forum’s Future of Jobs report pointed to the double disruption of automation and pandemic, with 85 million jobs displaced by 2025. But...

GLOBAL EYE – Remote working is here to stay. But who will be doing it? (Anu Madgavkar, Susan Lund, WEF)

• Questions remain about how persistent remote working will be post-pandemic. • A fifth of the workforce in advanced economies can work just as effectively...