Understanding the local space is central to the analysis of the many climate-related mobility practices present in Ethiopia (Neil Anthony Webster, Zerihun Mohammed, Dessalegn...

Climate change is widely expected to produce new and/or intensified mobility patterns, including migration and displacement. However, research on the relationship between climate change...

Motives and consequences of Denmark’s new externalisation law (Martin Lemberg-Pedersen, Zachary Whyte, Ahlam Chemlali, DIIS)

A new law in Denmark, which could ultimately end the integration of refugees on Danish territory, offers important lessons about contemporary externalisation policies and...

When armies enforce the law (Peter Albrecht, Fiifi Edu-Afful, Festus Aubyn, DIIS)

The Ghana Armed Forces play a significant role in domestic security. To fully comprehend how and why requires a deeper understanding of the way...

Finding a new niche for Denmark in NATO (Rasmus Sinding Søndergaard, Mikkel Runge Olesen, DIIS)

As the United States abandons nation-building in the Middle East and looks to counter China, Denmark will need to cultivate a new niche to...

Inclusion is Not Enough to Achieve Gender and Racial Equality in Global Peace and Security (Robin May Schott, Signe Marie Cold-Ravnkilde, DIIS)

The last twenty years have brought about a significant increase in the awareness of war practices that harm women, including rape and sexual abuse....

Climate change and migration in Ghana (Joseph Teye, Francis Jarawura, Lily Salloum Lindegaard, Nauja Kleist, Marie Ladekjær Gravesen, Philip Mantey, David Quaye, DIIS)

Climate change is expected by many to produce new and/or intensified mobility patterns, including migration and displacement. However, only limited research exists on the...

What would Norway be without oil? And Ukraine without Russian gas? (Trine Villumsen Berling, Izabela Surwillo, Sandra Sørensen, DIIS

Energy security used to be about uninterrupted flows of affordable and available resources. This article argues that it is much more than that. By...

Covid is a major setback for taxation in poor African countries (Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Anna Gopsill, Ingrid Hoem Sjursen, Ole Therkildsen, DIIS)

In this brief, the authors discuss the long-term implications and effects of the pandemic on Domestic Resource Mobilisation (DRM) (taxation) in sub-Saharan African (SSA). The authors...

China/Europe. Wind Wars. China is running full steam ahead in pursuit of leadership in the 21st century’s most important global industries. Can Europe keep...

Across a long line of global industries, from telecommunications to shipping, China is in direct competition with the European Union. Even when it comes...

South Africa. Dilemmas at the frontline of South Africa’s energy transition (Mikkel Funder, Holle Wlokas, Tasneem Jhetam and Karen Holm Olsen, DIIS)

As the development of large-scale wind- and solar projects gathers pace around the world, renewable energy companies are increasingly confronted with demands to engage...

Africa. Fencing and de-fencing East Africa’s grasslands (Mette Løvschal and Marie Ladekjær Gravesen, DIIS)

Across East Africa, fencing is expanding on a remarkable scale applying a grid across thousands of hectares of rangelands. In its midst, landscapes and...

Development/Climate Change. Nature-based solutions to development and climate change challenges (Marie Ladekjær Gravesen and Mikkel Funder, DIIS)

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to climate- and development-related challenges have recently gained attention in development cooperation. Among other, approaches that fall under the NbS umbrella...

Russia. Militarism and patriotism in Russia – the culture behind the military firepower (Flemming Splidsboel Hansen, DIIS)

Patriotism is a much-celebrated tool in Russia. It is used to mobilize the population in support of the state in general and of the...

Technology/Humanitarian Settings. Risks of technology use in humanitarian settings: Avoiding harm, delivering impact (Adam Moe Fejerskov, Maria-Louise Clausen and Sarah Seddig, DIIS)

The use of emerging technology in humanitarian settings carries significant risks. The complexity of these risks entails a need to understand and imagine risks...

Myanmar – Police officers who oppose the Myanmar military coup (DIIS)

Helene Maria Kyed The Myanmar Police Force (MPF) has been seen on the front lines of the military junta’s violent crackdowns on civilian protesters against...

Iraq – Providing security in Iraq – what do Iraqis think? (DIIS)

Maria-Louise Clausen Denmark assumed leadership of NATO Mission Iraq in late 2020. The Iraqi people’s perceptions of their personal security and of those who provide...