Tag: Circular Economy

Capgemini: è l’ora dell’economia circolare (ImpresaCity)

Oggi i consumatori sono sempre più esigenti in materia di corporate responsibility e preferiscono orientare la loro spesa verso chi si impegna in pratiche di...

Tackling climate risk is an extraordinary political opportunity (by Marco Emanuele)

Tackling climate risk is an extraordinary political opportunity. Beyond the urgency of climate change, which is now well established, working politically on climate risk is...

Cities/Circular Economy. Future-proof cities: building up circular economy (CMCC)

From the importance of data to the limits of our planetary boundaries, from resilience strategies to the research on material flow. How cities in the...

Climate Change/Circular Economy – A ‘dating site’ with a difference that’s pairing waste with recycling opportunities (Douglas Broom, WEF)

How can we stop our waste ending up in landfill or even the ocean? The answer is to match material with the people...

Circular Economy – How digital authentication could drive a resale revolution for fashion (Jason Berns, Robert Brinckman, Ian Cronin, Niall Murphy, WEF)

Secondhand retail is growing rapidly as consumers and manufacturers strive to reduce waste, support a circular economy and ESG goals, and reduce costs...

Climate Change – Countries must transition to a circular economy. The right roadmap can help (Laura Järvinen, Riku Sinervo, WEF)

Image: Sitra 3 lessons from Finland on transitioning to a circular economy | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)

Africa – The circular economy transition is a billion-dollar opportunity for Africa (GreenBiz)

 Al-Hamndou Dorsouma COVID-19 shrank economies around the world. However, the crisis presents a unique opportunity for many to rebuild green and potentially bounce back stronger...

Africa – Five Big Bets for the Circular Economy in Africa: African Circular Economy Alliance (WEF)

Circular solutions can be used by African countries to attain vital climate action targets and sustainable development goals. With this in mind, the African...

(Circular Economy) 17 innovations accelerating the transition to a circular economy (WEF)

Emanuela Orsini The Circulars Accelerator Cohort 2021 is supporting innovators to scale their ideas for a more circular economy. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/04/17-innovations-accelerating-the-transition-to-a-circular-economy/

(Gender Equality/Circular Economy) Three experts on why eradicating plastic pollution will help achieve gender equality (WEF)

Kristin Hughes Women fight on the frontlines against plastic pollution https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/03/three-experts-on-why-eradicating-plastic-pollution-will-help-achieve-gender-equality/

(Circular Economy) The circular economy can save the planet –⁠ if we start innovating now (WEF)

Peter Lacy, Chief Responsibility Officer & Global Sustainability Services Lead, Accenture Wesley Spindler, Senior Manager & Circulars Program Director, Accenture Strategy John Dutton,...

(Circular Economy) Successful circular economy ‘trailblazers’ do these 5 things: Report (Liselore Havermans, Menno van Dijk, WEF)

Building a circular economy requires that innovative circular solutions become the standard across industries. Only a small group of organizations are well positioned...

CIRCULAR ECONOMY – Circular Trailblazers: Scale-ups Leading the Way Towards a More Circular Economy (WEF)

The circular transition requires change within and throughout our economic systems. A particular subset of innovators – trailblazers – go the extra mile to...