Tag: Balkans

Russia’s New Front In the Balkans Heats Up (Harun Karčić, The National Interest)

“If we falter, the Balkans will explode again,” warned the United Kingdom’s former Foreign Secretary William Hague. Russia’s New Front In the Balkans Heats Up | The...

The Enlargement of the European Union to the Balkan Countries: An Opportunity for a Great Plan Between Russia and Europe (Dario Velo, Valdai Discussion...

The debate on the enlargement of the European Union to include the Balkan countries has begun. Some European leaders have taken a firm stance in favour of this enlargement. A glance at a map...

Bosnian Serb police drill seen as separatist ‘provocation’ (Al Jazeera)

Bosnia’s Serb police have held an “anti-terrorist” drill just outside the capital Sarajevo in a move seen by many as another provocation by the...

As EU hopes fade, Russia, China fill voids across Western Balkans (Mersiha Gadzo, Al Jazeera)

With the prospect of Western Balkan nations joining the EU seen as a target moving further away, Russia and China will step up their...

Western Balkan groups call for US engagement to counter Serbia (Al Jazeera)

Leaders and advocacy organisations from Albanian-American, Bosnian-American and Montenegrin-American communities have called on the US to commit to a stronger presence in the Western...

Balkans – The Dangerous Balkan Standstill (Project-Syndicate)

CARL BILDT Even after a quarter-century of relative peace, the Balkans have yet to achieve the lasting stability that was hoped for when the region's...

(Balkans) Balkan trajectories of migrants

 Lucy Papachristou writes for Al Jazeera: It was around two in the morning, Tahsan* remembers, when the man drowned. A group of around 35...

Russia/Serbia/Balkans – Russia, Serbia and the Balkans: Prospects (Vladimir Kršljanin, Valdai Discussion Club)

Cooperation as the main paradigm of the new world, in which Russia and China are leading with their spiritual and moral values, undoubtedly awaits triumph, since it has...