As Japan approaches the ten-year anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, nuclear energy accounts for approximately 7.5 percent of Japan’s electricity generation, whereas prior to the accident, it had produced 30 percent of Japan’s electricity. In the Atlantic Council’s new report, Japan’s nuclear reactor fleet: The geopolitical and climate implications of accelerated decommissioning, Dr. Phyllis Yoshida argues that Japan has suffered unintended consequences as it has sought to make up for its loss of nuclear energy. First, Japan has increased its dependence on energy imports, especially imported fossil fuels. Secondly, as Japan’s domestic reactor fleet has faltered, Japan’s civil nuclear export program has also struggled. Finally, without more nuclear energy, Japan will face challenges as it works to keep its increasingly ambitious climate commitments, especially its recently announced goal of achieving net-zero by 2050.
JAPAN – Japan’s nuclear reactor fleet: The geopolitical and climate implications of accelerated decommissioning (Phyllis Yoshida, Atlantic Council)
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