Previous geostrategic magazine
- (Diplomacy & International Relations) L’analista palestinese Samir Al Qaryouti: l’attacco di Hamas segna la fine degli accordi di Oslo – Palestinian analyst Samir Al Qaryouti: Hamas attack marks the end of the Oslo Accords (Carlo Rebecchi)
- (Diplomacy & International Relations) L’analista israeliano Yossi Bar sull’attacco di Hamas: per tanto terrore non c’è logica o strategia – Israeli analyst Yossi Bar on the Hamas attack: for so much terror there is no logic or strategy (Carlo Rebecchi)
- (Discrimination-Gender) Columbus Day diventa la Giornata dei Popoli Indigeni. Come ripensare la storia – Columbus Day becomes Indigenous Peoples’ Day. How to rethink history (Marzia Giglioli)
- (Climate Action) The geostrategic importance of a sustainable ‘ocean economy’ to combat climate change. In dialogue with the ‘Ocean Panel’
We are in cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine
Daily from global think tanks
Worlds (Attack on Israel; Africa; Eurasia-South Caucasus; Germany; Indonesia; Iraq; Mercosur; Poland; Turkey-Gulf; Türkiye-Western Allies; UAE-India)
Attack on Israel
Assaf Shapira (The Israel Democracy Institute) – As ‘Swords of Iron’ Continues – Is An Emergency Government in Israel in the Cards? – The Israel Democracy Institute (
Rodger Shanahan (ASPI The Strategist) – Without evidence, it’s unwise to assume Iran is Hamas’s puppeteer | The Strategist (
Shlomo Ben-Ami (Project Syndicate – ASPI The Strategist) – Hubris meets nemesis in Israel | The Strategist (
Crisis Group – A Second October War in Israel-Palestine | Crisis Group
Julien Barnes-Dacey e Hugh Lovatt (European Council on Foreign Relations) – How Europeans should respond to the Hamas offensive against Israel | ECFR
Nathan J. Brown (Carnegie Middle East Center) – Hamas Strikes Out Into the Unknown – Carnegie Middle East Center – Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (
Max Boot, Steven A. Cook, Linda Robinson, Ray Takeyh (Council on Foreign Relations) – The Conflict in the Middle East | Council on Foreign Relations (
Ashka Jhaveri, Annika Ganzeveld, Johanna Moore (Institute for The Study of War) – Iran Update, October 9, 2023 | Institute for the Study of War (
Eado Hecht (Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies) – The Gaza Terror Offensive – October 7-8, 2023 (
Meir Elran (INSS) – Societal Resilience: The Key to Winning the War | INSS
Orna Mizrahi (INSS) – The War in the North Will Not Resemble the War in the South | INSS
Ofir Winter (INSS) – The Attack in Alexandria Was Not Inspired Only by Gaza | INSS
Hinh T. Dinh (fonte: Policy Center for the New South) scrive delle strategie per l’industrializzazione dell’Africa. Secondo l’Autore, i Paesi africani devono progettare strategie di sviluppo che bilancino la creazione di posti di lavoro con la crescita della produttività, fondamento di una crescita economica sostenibile
Hinh T. Dinh (source: Policy Centre for the New South) writes about strategies for the industrialisation of Africa. According to the author, African countries must design development strategies that balance job creation with productivity growth, the foundation of sustainable economic growth
Industrialization in Africa: Issues and Policies (
Eurasia – South Caucasus
Emil Avdaliani (fonte: Carnegie Russia Eurasia) sottolinea la crescente importanza geostrategica dell’area Eurasia e Caucaso meridionale
Emil Avdaliani (source: Carnegie Russia Eurasia) emphasises the growing geostrategic importance of the Eurasia and South Caucasus area
Sudha David-Wilp (fonte: German Marshall Fund) scrive che, nelle elezioni in Assia e Bavaria, i conservatori hanno ottenuto il maggior numero di voti, ma l’estrema destra ha avuto la meglio. Tali consensi sono destinati ad aumentare, nota l’Autrice, se la coalizione di governo tedesca non sarà in grado di affrontare le questioni che l’opinione pubblica ritiene prioritarie
Sudha David-Wilp (sorce: German Marshall Fund) writes that, in the elections in Hessen and Bavaria, the conservatives gained the most votes, but the far right prevailed. These consensuses are bound to increase, she notes, if the German government coalition is unable to address the issues that the public sees as priorities
The Real Winner in Germany’s State Elections | German Marshall Fund of the United States (
James Guild (fonte: East Asia Forum) scrive dei rapporti possibili tra il gigante Tesla e l’Indonesia, tra geoeconomia e geopolitica
James Guild (source: East Asia Forum) writes about the possible relationship between the giant Tesla and Indonesia, between geo-economics and geopolitics
When will Tesla make a move in Indonesia? | East Asia Forum
Firdews Nadhim (fonte: Emirates Policy Center) scrive delle proteste avvenute a settembre a Kirkuk, tra conflitti all’interno della coalizione di governo, mancanza di una posizione curda unitaria, influenza di Teheran
Firdews Nadhim (source: Emirates Policy Center) writes about the protests in Kirkuk in September, including conflicts within the governing coalition, lack of a unified Kurdish position, Tehran’s influence
Emirates Policy Center | A Flash Point: Where is the Kirkuk Conflict Heading? (
Marianna Albuquerque e Santiago Theoduloz (fonte: Policy Center for the New South) scrivono delle prospettive del Mercosur rispetto alla sfida dell’Atlantico allargato. Gli Autori evidenziano le criticità del Mercosur, tra predominanza d’interessi nazionali e prospettive globali
Marianna Albuquerque and Santiago Theoduloz (source: Policy Center for the New South) write about Mercosur’s prospects in the face of the challenge of the enlarged Atlantic. The authors highlight Mercosur’s critical issues, between the predominance of national interests and global perspectives
Jan Boguslawski (fonte: German Marshall Fund) scrive che, indipendentemente da chi guiderà il prossimo governo, l’eredità della ‘PiSonomics’ resterà inalterata
Jan Boguslawski (source: German Marshall Fund) writes that regardless of who leads the next government, the legacy of ‘PiSonomics’ will remain intact
Turkey – Gulf
Ismail Numan Telci (fonte: Al Jazeera Centre for Studies) scrive sull’importanza delle relazioni tra la Turchia e i Paesi del Golfo
Ismail Numan Telci (source: Al Jazeera Centre for Studies) writes about the importance of relations between Turkey and the Gulf countries
Türkiye – Western Allies
Özgür Ünlühisarcıklı (fonte: German Marshall Fund) scrive che la sfiducia reciproca tra la Turchia e i suoi alleati occidentali non mostra segni di attenuazione nel prossimo futuro, dato il regresso democratico di Ankara. L’Autore analizza com’è possibile migliorare il funzionamento della relazione
Özgür Ünlühisarcıklı (source: German Marshall Fund) writes that the mutual distrust between Turkey and its western allies shows no signs of abating in the near future, given Ankara’s democratic regression. The author analyses how the relationship can be improved
UAE – India
Emirates Policy Center scrive sull’importanza del corridoio alimentare tra India e UAE
Emirates Policy Centre writes on the importance of the food corridor between India and the UAE
Systemic Sustainability (Global Economy)
Global Economy
Hung Tran (fonte: Atlantic Council) scrive che il FMI dovrebbe concentrarsi sull’analisi dei costi e dei benefici delle contese geopolitiche e della conseguente frammentazione dell’economia e del sistema finanziario mondiale. Il FMI dovrebbe essere in grado di aiutare i Paesi più sviluppati ad adottare le politiche meno dannose per l’economia globale, con particolare attenzione a limitare le ricadute negative delle loro politiche sui Paesi a basso reddito e sui Paesi a reddito medio vulnerabili
Hung Tran (source: Atlantic Council) writes that the IMF should focus on analysing the costs and benefits of geopolitical disputes and the resulting fragmentation of the global economy and financial system. The IMF should be able to help the most developed countries adopt policies that are least damaging to the global economy, with a focus on limiting the negative spillovers of their policies on low-income and vulnerable middle-income countries
How the IMF can navigate great power rivalry – Atlantic Council
Esperti del think tank Atlantic Council scrivono dalla settimana di Fondo Monetario Internazionale e Banca Mondiale di Marrakesh, dove si discute delle risposte delle due organizzazioni alle sfide finanziarie del mondo di oggi
Experts from the Atlantic Council think tank write from the International Monetary Fund and World Bank week in Marrakesh, ongoing discussions on the two organisations’ responses to the financial challenges of today’s world