The Global Eye’s geostrategic magazine comprises two macro-sections: systemic sustainability and worlds (geostrategies).
Global Eye in dialogue:
In cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine
(1) Reuters riporta la posizione di Eleni Myrivili, Global Chief Heat Officer di UN Habitat, sull’urgente necessità – alla COP28 – di agire per limitare l’aumento delle temperature nelle città, in particolare nei Paesi poveri
Reuters reports the position of Eleni Myrivili, Global Chief Heat Officer of UN Habitat, on the urgent need – at COP28 – for action to limit the rise in temperatures in cities, particularly in poor countries
UN chief heat officer says warming cities pose potential to be major killers | Reuters
(2) Kirsten James (Reuters) scrive dei risultati positivi della World Water Week svoltasi a Stoccolma il mese scorso. L’acqua è stata posta concretamente al centro dell’attenzione globale. Mentre il World Resources Institute ha segnalato che un terzo del prodotto interno lordo globale sarà probabilmente esposto a un forte stress idrico entro il 2050, la Presidenza della COP28 ha annunciato di voler fare dell’acqua una priorità critica (miglioramento della resilienza idrica urbana; rafforzamento dei sistemi alimentari resistenti all’acqua; conservazione e ripristino degli ecosistemi di acqua dolce)
Kirsten James (Reuters) writes about the positive results of World Water Week held in Stockholm last month. Water was concretely placed at the centre of global attention. While the World Resources Institute reported that one-third of the global gross domestic product is likely to be exposed to severe water stress by 2050, the COP28 presidency announced that it wants to make water a critical priority (improving urban water resilience; strengthening water-resilient food systems; conserving and restoring freshwater ecosystems)
Comment: We are finally treating growing water scarcity as the global crisis it is | Reuters
(3) Tariye Gbadegesin (Reuters) scrive sull’urgenza di finanziare la transizione ecologica in Africa. Richiama la African Carbon Markets Initiative, lanciata alla COP27. Attraverso l’acquisto, da parte delle aziende, di crediti di carbonio emessi da sviluppatori, aziende, comunità e governi africani, esse finanziano progetti di eliminazione o riduzione del carbonio, come la rigenerazione delle foreste e le energie rinnovabili. Si tratta di progetti che contribuiscono a migliorare i mezzi di sussistenza locali e la biodiversità
Tariye Gbadegesin (Reuters) writes about the urgency of financing the ecological transition in Africa. She recalls the African Carbon Markets Initiative, launched at COP27. Through companies’ purchase of carbon credits issued by African developers, companies, communities and governments, they finance carbon removal or reduction projects, such as forest regeneration and renewable energy. These are projects that contribute to improving local livelihoods and biodiversity
(4) Leticia Carvalho (Reuters) scrive dell’importanza del trattamento delle acque reflue, partendo dal caso dell’impianto di Amburgo, uno dei più grandi d’Europa. Carvalho argomenta sulle ricadute positive dell’utilizzo del pieno potenziale delle acque reflue
Leticia Carvalho (Reuters) writes about the importance of wastewater treatment, starting with the case of the Hamburg plant, one of the largest in Europe. Carvalho argues about the positive effects of utilising the full potential of wastewater
Comment: Amid water, food, and energy crises, not a drop of wastewater should be wasted | Reuters
Esperti di Carnegie Europe discutono il ruolo dell’Europa come soggetto strategico in politica estera. La capacità d’influenza è ancora condizionata dalle scelte degli Stati membri
Experts from Carnegie Europe discuss the role of Europe as a strategic player in foreign policy. The ability to influence is still conditioned by the choices of member States
(1) Hung Q. Tran (Atlantic Council) scrive del vertice G20 a Presidenza indiana. Riuscirà l’India a diventare la voce strategica del Sud globale ?
Hung Q. Tran (Atlantic Council) writes about the G20 summit under Indian chairmanship. Will India succeed in becoming the strategic voice of the global South?
Will the G20 Summit help India become the voice of the Global South? – Atlantic Council
(2) Richard M. Rossow, Katherine B. Hadda, Jayant Krishna e Shashwat Kumar scrivono di alcuni dei temi principali in discussione al G20: commercio e investimenti globali, sanità, economia digitale e cooperazione climatica
Richard M. Rossow, Katherine B. Hadda, Jayant Krishna and Shashwat Kumar write about some of the main topics under discussion at the G20: global trade and investment, health, digital economy and climate cooperation
Experts React: What to Expect from the G20 Leaders’ Summit (
The daily report of the Institute for the Study of War
Iran Update, September 7, 2023 | Institute for the Study of War (
P. Michael McKinley (Center for Strategic & International Studies) scrive della situazione interna al continente latino-americano, dei rapporti tra i Paesi dell’area e l’economia mondiale e delle relazioni con gli Stati Uniti
P. Michael McKinley (Center for Strategic & International Studies) writes about the internal situation on the Latin American continent, relations between the countries in the region and the world economy, and relations with the United States
Inflection Point: The Challenges Facing Latin America and U.S. Policy in the Region (
Elizaveta Fokht, Alexander Gabuev e Joshua Yaffa (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) approfondiscono in un podcast la morte di Yevgeny Prigozhin, la sua figura e le conseguenze per il regime di Putin
Elizaveta Fokht, Alexander Gabuev and Joshua Yaffa (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) delve into the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, his figure and the consequences for the Putin regime in a podcast
Paul Globe (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive che i talysh sono tornati al centro di nuove tensioni nei rapporti tra Russia e Azerbaigian
Paul Globe (The Jamestown Foundation) writes that talysh has returned to the centre of new tensions in relations between Russia and Azerbaijan
Moscow Signals It Can Still Play Talysh Card Against Baku – Jamestown
Scott A. Snyder (Council on Foreign Relations) scrive dei rapporti tra Russia e Corea del Nord, sulle conseguenze in Asia e sulle possibili reazioni di Washington e dei suoi alleati regionali
Scott A. Snyder (Council on Foreign Relations) writes about the relationship between Russia and North Korea, the consequences in Asia and the possible reactions of Washington and its regional allies
The Perils of a Renewed North Korea-Russia Relationship | Council on Foreign Relations (
Pavel K. Baev (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive, a partire dal mancato rinnovo dell’accordo sul grano da parte di Mosca, il ruolo della Turchia, player decisivo e in equilibrio tra Mosca e Kiev
Pavel K. Baev (The Jamestown Foundation) writes, starting with Moscow’s non-renewal of the wheat agreement, about the role of Turkey, a decisive player balanced between Moscow and Kiev
Russia Remains Stubborn on Non-Renewal of Ukraine Grain Deal – Jamestown
Armenak Tokmajyan (Carnegie Middle East Center) descrive la complessità della situazione del nord-est della Siria: tra regime siriano, Iran, Russia, Stati Uniti e Turchia
Armenak Tokmajyan (Carnegie Middle East Centre) describes the complexity of the situation in north-east Syria: between the Syrian regime, Iran, Russia, the US and Turkey
Mark Temnycky (Atlantic Council) scrive dell’importanza geostrategica, per Washington, di rafforzare le relazioni con i Paesi dell’Asia Centrale
Mark Temnycky (Atlantic Council) writes about the geostrategic importance for Washington of strengthening relations with Central Asian countries
The United States must strengthen its engagement with Central Asia – Atlantic Council
The daily report of the Institute for the Study of War