The Global Eye’s geostrategic magazine comprises two macro-sections: systemic sustainability and worlds (geostrategies).
Global Eye in dialogue:
In cooperation with The Science of Where Magazine
(1) Katie Lebling e Danielle Riedl (World Resources Institute) scrivono a proposito delle politiche ambientali della California, oggi impegnata per una legislazione che aiuti lo sviluppo responsabile della rimozione del carbonio
Katie Lebling and Danielle Riedl (World Resources Institute) write about California’s environmental policies, now working for legislation to aid responsible carbon removal development
Lessons From California’s Carbon Dioxide Removal Policies | World Resources Institute (
(2) Dimitris Mentis, Akansha Saklani, Douglas Ronoh, Victor Otieno, Alemayehu Agizew Woldeamanuel, Santiago Sinclair Lecaros, Jake Stockman, Shikha Anand, Abdul Khalid, Tarannum Sahar e Chstine Odeph (World Resources Institute) scrivono a proposito dell’ aggiornamento dell’ ‘Energy Access Explorer’ di WRI. Si tratta di un software che, guardando alla finalità di espandere l’accesso all’energia, offre la possibilità di una pianificazione integrata e inclusiva e l’accesso a dati e strumenti analitici trasparenti
Dimitris Mentis, Akansha Saklani, Douglas Ronoh, Victor Otieno, Alemayehu Agizew Woldeamanuel, Santiago Sinclair Lecaros, Jake Stockman, Shikha Anand, Abdul Khalid, Tarannum Sahar and Chstine Odeph (World Resources Institute) write about the WRI’s ‘Energy Access Explorer’ update. It is a software that, looking at the goal of expanding energy access, offers the possibility of integrated and inclusive planning and access to transparent data and analytical tools
(3) Un report di Ecologic Institute analizza, nell’ambito del Regolamento europeo sulla Governance del 2018, se e come (a norma dell’articolo 11 del regolamento) gli Stati membri abbiano realizzato dialoghi multilivello su clima ed energia
An Ecologic Institute report analyses, in the context of the 2018 European Governance Regulation, whether and how (according to Article 11 of the regulation) Member States have implemented multi-level dialogues on climate and energy
(4) Bobby Farnan (Stockholm Environment Institute) scrive degli ‘immaginari dello sviluppo’ per guardare a uno sviluppo co-prodotto (in chiave transdisciplinare tra scienza, tecnologia, geografia umana). Farnan approfondisce le idee di co-produzione della conoscenza nella governance ecologica nel Sud-est asiatico
Bobby Farnan (Stockholm Environment Institute) writes about ‘development imaginaries’ to look at co-produced development (transdisciplinary between science, technology, human geography). Farnan explores ideas of co-production of knowledge in ecological governance in Southeast Asia
(5) Sukaina Bharwani (Stockholm Environment Institute) scrive delle lezioni apprese dal lavoro sul campo per migliorare la resilienza agli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici nelle città dell’Africa sub-sahariana. Ciò che conta, nota Bharwani, sono i processi di apprendimento, le relazioni e le reti nascono attraverso il coinvolgimento
Sukaina Bharwani (Stockholm Environment Institute) writes about lessons learnt from fieldwork to improve resilience to the impacts of climate change in sub-Saharan African cities. What matters, notes Bharwani, are the learning processes, relationships and networks created through involvement
Supporting climate-resilient urban planning: 10 lessons from cities in southern Africa | SEI
(5) Bentley Allan, Noah J. Gordon e Jonas Goldman (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) scrivono sui finanziamenti statunitensi allo sviluppo e analizzano la politica industriale verde degli Stati Uniti all’estero
Bentley Allan, Noah J. Gordon and Jonas Goldman (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) write about US development funding and analyse US green industrial policy abroad
Sunaina Kumar (Observer Research Foundation) scrive dello sviluppo guidato dalle donne come una delle sei priorità dell’appena concluso G20 a Presidenza indiana
Sunaina Kumar (Observer Research Foundation) writes about women-led development as one of the six priorities of the just-concluded Indian G20 Presidency
Glenn Diesen (Valdai Discussion Club) scrive della nuova competizione per l’Artico e del possibile ruolo dei Paesi BRICS
Glenn Diesen (Valdai Discussion Club) writes about the new competition for the Arctic and the possible role of the BRICS countries
Is There Room for Cooperation in the Arctic? — Valdai Club
Melissa Conley Tyler (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive sull’importanza di cooperazione strategica tra medie potenze come Australia e Vietnam nel quadro della competizione tra potenze maggiori come USA e Cina
Melissa Conley Tyler (Lowy The Interpreter) writes about the importance of strategic cooperation between medium-sized powers like Australia and Vietnam in the context of competition between major powers like the US and China
Amid great power visits, don’t underestimate middle power cooperation | Lowy Institute
Global Times intervista l’Ambasciatore argentino in Cina sulle relazioni bilaterali tra i due Paesi nel complesso quadro geopolitico globale. Buenos Aires è entrata a far parte del gruppo BRICS e, dal 2022, è partner della Belt and Road Initiative
Global Times interviews the Argentine Ambassador to China on the bilateral relations between the two countries in the complex global geopolitical framework. Buenos Aires has joined the BRICS group and, from 2022, is a partner in the Belt and Road Initiative
Exclusive: BRI partnership to make China Argentina’s top trading partner: Ambassador – Global Times
Abdul Rahman Yaacob (Lowy The Interpreter) scrive sulla carenza di fiducia del Paesi dell’ASEAN verso Pechino
Abdul Rahman Yaacob (Lowy The Interpreter) writes on ASEAN countries’ lack of trust in Beijing
ASEAN, China and the trust deficit | Lowy Institute
L’Ambasciatore cinese in Kazakistan, per Global Times, fa il punto sulla cooperazione tra Cina e Kazakistan a 10 anni dall’inaugurazione, nel Paese centroasiatico, della Belt and Road Initiative
The Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan, for Global Times, takes stock of cooperation between China and Kazakhstan 10 years after the inauguration of the Belt and Road Initiative in the Central Asian country
La visita del Presidente venezuelano Maduro in Cina, scrive Global Times, è finalizzata a rafforzare la partnership strategica tra i due Paesi: molto importante è la cooperazione nel campo delle tecnologie emergenti. La Cina intende rafforzare la cooperazione Sud-Sud e allargare la presenza in America Latina. Caracas ha chiesto di entrare nel gruppo BRICS
Venezuelan President Maduro’s visit to China, writes Global Times, is aimed at strengthening the strategic partnership between the two countries: cooperation in the field of emerging technologies is very important. China intends to strengthen South-South cooperation and expand its presence in Latin America. Caracas has applied to join the BRICS group
Rosa Balfour (Carnegie Europe) scrive delle sfide dell’Europa e delle possibilità per Ursula von der Leyen di ottenere un altro mandato come Presidente della Commissione Europea
Rosa Balfour (Carnegie Europe) writes about the challenges of Europe and the chances of Ursula von der Leyen getting another term as President of the European Commission
Samuel Bashfield (Observer Research Foundation) analizza la sfida della protezione delle infrastrutture critiche civili sui fondali marini. Partendo dall’esperienza in Europa, affronta i rischi potenziali nell’Oceano Indiano
Samuel Bashfield (Observer Research Foundation) analyses the challenge of protecting critical civil infrastructure on the seabed. Starting from the experience in Europe, he addresses the potential risks in the Indian Ocean
Indian Ocean Seabed Defence: Lessons from Europe | ORF (
Esperti di Atlantic Council discutono i contenuti del comunicato finale del G20 a Presidenza indiana e delle conseguenze diplomatiche e geostrategiche
Atlantic Council experts discuss the contents of the Indian Presidency G20 final communiqué and its diplomatic and geostrategic consequences
Experts react: Did India’s G20 just crack the code for diplomatic consensus? – Atlantic Council
Samir Bhattacharya (Observer Research Foundation) scrive della presenza dell’Unione Africana nel G20 e ne analizza potenzialità e difficoltà
Samir Bhattacharya (Observer Research Foundation) writes about the African Union’s presence into the G20 and analyses its potential and difficulties
G20 becomes G21: How Africa can benefit from its permanent membership | ORF (
Prithvi Gupta (Observer Research Foundation) scrive degli investimenti indiani nel settore energetico statale russa, concentrandosi sulle conseguenze geoeconomiche e strategiche
Prithvi Gupta (Observer Research Foundation) writes about Indian investments in Russia’s state-owned energy sector, focusing on the geo-economic and strategic consequences
Rajaram Panda (Vivekananda International Foundation) scrive dell’esercitazione militare Malabar svoltasi ad agosto 2023 tra l’India e gli alleati QUAD e riflette sulle conseguenze geostrategiche con Pechino
Rajaram Panda (Vivekananda International Foundation) writes about the Malabar military exercise held in August 2023 between India and QUAD allies and reflects on the geostrategic consequences with Beijing
Beyond Parallel di Center for Strategic & International Studies scrive che Pyongyang ha varato, il 6 settembre scorso, un nuovo sottomarino con missili balistici, l’Hero Kim Kun Ok. Il sottomarino potrebbe essere in grado di trasportare missili con armamento nucleare. Kim possa richiedere il trasferimento di moderne tecnologie SSB e SLBM dalla Russia
Beyond Parallel by the Center for Strategic & International Studies writes that Pyongyang launched a new ballistic missile submarine, the Hero Kim Kun Ok, on 6 September. The submarine may be capable of carrying nuclear-armed missiles. Kim may require the transfer of modern SSB and SLBM technology from Russia
(1) Samir Bhattacharya (Vivekananda International Foundation) scrive a proposito dei rapporti tra Russia e Africa, dopo il secondo vertice di fine luglio scorso
Samir Bhattacharya (Vivekananda International Foundation) writes about the relationship between Russia and Africa after the second summit at the end of July
(2) Andrew McGregor (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive della strategia di espansione dell’influenza militare e commerciale russa in Africa. Al centro vi è la creazione di un porto sul Mar Rosso: Mosca guarda, in particolare, a Sudan ed Eritrea
Andrew McGregor (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about the strategy of expanding Russian military and commercial influence in Africa. At the centre is the creation of a port on the Red Sea: Moscow looks, in particular, to Sudan and Eritrea
Russia in the Red Sea: The Search for Warm-Water Ports (Part One) – Jamestown
Vladimir Socor (The Jamestown Foundation) scrive delle difficoltà della Turchia di mediare tra Mosca e Kiev. Ankara guarda con attenzione ai progetti commerciali che la Russia potrebbe offrire
Vladimir Socor (The Jamestown Foundation) writes about Turkey’s difficulties in mediating between Moscow and Kiev. Ankara looks closely at the trade projects that Russia might offer